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‘L’ Plates

June 8, 2024

My granddaughter got her learner plates in March this year and she was so excited! I just had to memory keep her photos. I attached the photos directly onto a Very Vanilla 12″ x 12″ page. I cut squares from Boho Blue and Wild Wheat card and embossed them using the Eyelet 3D Embossing Folder. I attached the squares below the photos. I cut the title from Basic Black card using the Alphabet A La Mode Dies and attached it above the photos. I cut Basic Black and Crushed Curry card using two of the Deckled Circle Dies and attached them together. I cut an “L” from Basic Black card using the retired Large Letters Dies and attached it to the Crushed Curry Circle. The circle panel is attached between the two photos. I wrote the date using the Basic Black Stampin’ Write Marker. I love that smile, she is just so happy.

Bye for now,

Product Used:

You can view the Deckled Circle Dies here in my online store.

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